This proven five phase process teaches you how to unlock your greatest potential trapped inside your frustrating recurring life cycle so you can access & actualize the wealth of your dreams.

"The lens through which you see life, is how you LIVE life"
Michelle Cannan

During this transformational experience, you will…

  • Understand why you keep repeating the same patterns and making the same “mistakes” by learning HOW TO translate every challenge as a growth opportunity ....the relief of knowing you’re not broken is priceless
  • Discover the crucial missing link that will allow you to LEAN IN to fear instead of seeing it as the enemy that’s keeping you trapped
  • Shine a light on why you are keeping yourself small and blocking your hearts desire whilst hiding in the shadows
  • Understand there are NO wrong emotions and learn HOW TO decode your feelings as powerful messages from your soul that are designed to awaken, activate and actualize your potential
  • Give yourself permission to express your unique perception and shift from feeling like the “black sheep” to confidently owning your innate gift and contribution to the world.

Michelle is an absolute whole-hearted, super charged, powerhouse of wisdom and insight. She has helped me see how to transform my shadow to gifts and I am eternally grateful for her presence and guidance. She has anchored the light for me to step into the unknown

I reached out to Michelle because I felt stuck, locked in a loop of pain from my past that I couldn’t find a way out of.

Just two weeks after working with her I feel safe to be seen and heard, have already completed 20,000 words of my book and for the first time in years I have found love with my dream man.

Every life challenge is a soul assignment intended to trigger you into

awakening your inner power... 

The thing is, you weren’t taught how to translate the uncomfortable experiences as your greatest opportunity for growth.

In the void between pain and potential, stuckness thrives

Potential is derived from the word “power”.

To harness your power, you must first harness your relationship to pain.

Instinctually we avoid pain making it “hard” for us to access its purpose…ironically, pain is an activator of our potential. 

Unresolved pain anchors us to the past or the fear of a nonexistent future, keeping us stuck in the habit of human behavior.

Ritualizing the activation of human potential can only be accessed by LIVING in the power of the NOW. 

To LIVE in the now requires us to become comfortable with uncomfortable feelings to be able to embrace the knowing, the only way out is through.  

Recreating your relationship to pain, fear and frustration is the gateway to freedom.  

The SAccess Method is a step by step system that shows you how to access your innate wisdom and FINALLY crack the freedom code to spend your precious life currency on consciously enriching…
  • Quality Relationships
  • Joyous Experiences
  • Conscious Wealth
  • Physical and Mental Well Being
  • Embodying LIFE

What To Expect Inside Each of the

5 Phases of the Transformational Cycle

1st Phase

A powerful revealing of what has been driving your unwanted recurring life cycles. Here we take a deep dive to access the causative issue, shifting from life happening to you, to life happening through you.

2nd Phase

Unpacking & identifying how your unconscious reactive patterns, behaviours & emotions (flight, fight or freeze) have been set up for you to learn how to lean in to pain, fear and confusion to unlock your potential, allowing you to jump back the driver’s seat and take conscious control of your life.

3rd Phase

Once the potential has been unlocked, the vitality gates (the kidneys) are able to open and allow your life force to flow. You will unhook from needing any external validation to embodying your innate value and worth.

4th Phase

You will connect and align with your purest and most powerful self, accessing YOUnity and flow through knowing your deepest truth to awaken your wildest dreams.

5th Phase

Coming home to the heart of your matter to consciously create the life you were born to live as you step into a upgraded expansive version of YOU to experience the freedom of your essential nature.

6th Phase

Two weeks post Phase 5, an integration session will be scheduled to ensure you are all on track.

Some of the most trialling experiences I've had to experience were made easier because of Michelle’s help, support and training. Her ability to shift the view of any situation has lead me to have a new understanding of people and a new outlook that I can use for any situation. "There is always an answer" words that will forever resonate with me

I was at a point where I was over my life, I’d had several failed marriages, just come out of a long-term relationship and had lost everything. I had tired numerous forms of therapy so when I was told about Michelle, I was very skeptical. Well...this lady was the real deal. I was void of feeling any emotion. I “understood” why I was where I was in life but didn’t know how to change it. Michelle taught me to understand the “story” and the power of what we perceive. I learnt how to fully express myself and translate the “triggers” into gifts. I have found the TRUE version of me and loving life."

Do you ever wonder which "voice" you should listen to in your own head?

No, you’re not crazy.

I get you’ve come such a long way in your personal growth…. But, with all that you've done, you’re still repeating the same patterns and it's exhausting and driving you insane.

When you came into this world, you were given every other manual except the one on how to be mentally, emotionally, physically & financially free.

Surveys show that 97% of people feel chronically exhausted and tired on a daily basis. Why? Because we don't know how to operate at optimum efficiency & become trapped by self imposed limitations.

While your physical body is a powerhouse that has access to an infinite source supply of renewable energy... it's impossible to tap into it when you’re disconnected from the grid of your soul.

What's the cost of remaining unplugged, unclear and disconnected from who you are?

My guess is it's a price you're simply no longer willing to pay.

So here's the TRUTH...

Just like nature, you're designed to THRIVE!
When you say YES to experiencing The SAccess Method you are saying yes to accessing a powerful blueprint within you that holds all your answers, guidance and an unlimited source of energy to active a life you love.



Let me start with the Grand Finale....

A few weeks before I found my mother passed away, I was made redundant in the 2009 G.F.C from a corporate consultancy role.

I was going through a heavy relationship break up, dealing with an irate father and was left to sort out my mothers estate who had died without a will...and, if I wanted to continue her legacy I had to find $250k to do so.

Through the cold sweats and fetal position rocking, I heard a calm and steady voice the kept repeating, "Build it and they will come"

It was a call from my soul to trust, lean in and keep moving towards everything I wanted to run from.

I have walked the path.  

I’ve journeyed through the deepest darkest nights with my soul. There were some corridors that were so dark, I wasn’t sure if there was a light at the end of it.

As I peeled back each painful layer, I rose like the phoenix through the ashes shifting my perception as I was able to SEE how EVERY life challenge (and there were some doozies) had been a part of a master plan for me to learn, grow and receive a powerful gift from.

Having now guided thousands of others through the very same steps I have walked, I know with all that I AM "The SAccess Method" is the manual on how to master the human experience. 

I have drawn from a wealth of wisdom and integrated different bodies of knowledge I’ve studied over 25 years from Traditional Chinese Medicine to ancient and contemporary teachings ( too) YOUnifing the greater parts to create a whole an entire process that shows you how to shift from "Pain to Love"  "Fear to Freedom"  "Trauma to Thriving"  "Stuck to Flow"  and "Reactive to Responsive". 

I know you have the courage to lean in to the same OLD stories (excuses) that have kept you stuck inside the fear of not having enough time, money or belief that change is possible to 100% backing yourself!!

What you wait for weighs you down...ready to lighten the load?

Of course you are!

You're one click away from taking the first towards your journey home to freedom 