Evolve how you Lead through mastering your Emotional Intelligence to access optimal performance, increased vitality, confidence and outcomes by 70%.
Whether you are a Solopreneur or an Organizational Leader, your sphere of influence is determined by the relationship you have with yourself.

Leadership is undergoing a Change of the Guard as outdated styles of “Control and Demand” transform into “Servant” based approaches. 

With burnout up by 67% since the pandemic, it’s crucial to define what being of service means before servitude consumes you.  

An Empathic Leader actualizes collective potential through harnessing each person’s unique qualities to unite the greater parts to serve the highest good. 

To sustain this level of leadership, we must first master self-leadership through empowering our greatest superpower, Emotional Intelligence.

Are you ready to…

  • Expand your capacity and feel like you are IN control of your life and leadership - Transform feeling trapped by the excessive demand on your time - Demand exceeds your capacity – Neither your professional or personal life - Create work life harmony …. 
  • Live in alignment to the trilogy of true success Health, Wealth and Happiness - Stuck in the Success Survival Cycle and Living in the Grey Zone consistently feeling like your on – Optimal Performance Zone 
  • Experience deep connection - Leadership Isolation stems from hiding behind the  “Imposter Syndrome” 
  • Turn conflict into a growth opportunity -  Empower negative emotions as the activator of your potential 
  • Align confidence, competence and compassion to achieve desired outcomes.
  • Master the power of perception
  • Empathic Communication - First seek to understand before being understood 
  • TRUST -   When you trust yourself- others trust YOU.  Oxytocin bonds of connection and   
  • Mindfulness
No-one has got to the end of their life and said “I wish I had worked more” …equally, they wished they had of lived a life on purpose.

In the 12 Week Immersion you will gain the essential elements for sustain success

  • Refine and align

Professional Benefits & Personal Benefits…

Being of service requires you to be embody and align with your values, mission 

Activate your gifts to serve, shine and expand into a new dimension of influence and wealth.

ROI on Executive Coaching

  • For leadership development — 70%
  • For skill development or style differences — 64%
  • To retain top talent — 40%
  • To retain top talent — 40%
  • To ensure success after promotion or with a new hire — 30%
The Manchester Review study found the average return on investment (ROI) from coaching was nearly 5.7 times the cost of coaching. In other words, for every $1 they spent on coaching they gained nearly $6 in savings, benefits, efficiencies, etc.

This proven five phase process teaches you how to unlock your greatest potential trapped inside your frustrating recurring life cycle so you can
access & actualize the wealth of your dreams.

ROI on Empathic Leadership…

  • For leadership development — 70%
  • •For skill development or style differences — 64%
  • To retain top talent — 40%
  • To retain top talent — 40%
  • To ensure success after promotion or with a new hire — 30%

what Others Have experienced...

I was about to embark on making a number of large decisions involving my career and my family.

I knew I needed to seek guidance to make sure these decisions were made from the right frame of mind.

From the very first conversation with Mish, she had a special ability to make me feel instantly comfortable when it came to discussing my feelings and emotions.  She opened my mind without me even realizing.  

Her empowering approach to draw out what was needed for me move forward through her no bullshit approach was very refreshing and gave me a strong sense I was in the "right" place.  

I have now made great advances in my career and relocated my family to U.S.A where I am expanding in my new executive leadership role & loving life.

I highly recommend Mish and I’m externally grateful for the guidance she has provide myself & my family.

Joshua Mclean

My life over the past 5 years has been through a lot of change.

Prior to working with Mich I often felt resentful and disappointed with people at work and home for not valuing my contribution. It affected my confidence and connection with others. I was withdrawn most of the time.

In a few great sessions with Mich I was not only at the source of my resentment but my behaviour evolved in a way that had me create outcomes that I wanted, all without angst and needing to be fight to get what I want.

Getting to know my triggers, discovering the gift in each of them and aligning myself to my higher truth has been a blessing... the integration of the work has been effortless and I tangibly feel lighter and more joyful each day.

Nick Allan

After 3 hectic years of unexpected upheaval, I decided to have a major personal reset and rebalance to find my authentic happiness. While I did consider going down the psychologist path, I was looking for an extra layer that included a holistic approach to life.

Michelle was definitely that person & was able to provide an amazing base for me to restart from. My inner voice & thinking is now calm, logical & harmonious rather than extremely over cooked & exhausting. What a relief, I'm forever so grateful, because sometimes you don't always have the best answers or solutions for yourself

Gina Maree