The Soul Apprenticeship
One Day LIVE Event   

This proven five phase process teaches you how to unlock your greatest potential trapped inside your frustrating recurring life cycles to be able to access & actualize the wealth of your dreams.

"The lens through which you see life, is how you LIVE life"

Michelle Cannan

During our time together, you will… 

  • Understand why you keep repeating the same patterns and making the same “mistakes” by learning HOW TO answer the call and open up to soul transformation...the relief of knowing you’re not broken is priceless.
  • Discover the crucial missing link that will allow you to LEAN IN to fear instead of seeing it as the enemy that’s keeping you trapped. (This ONE skill alone will set you free)
  • Shine the light on why you are keeping yourself small to accommodate the judgments of others (or yourself) and learn how to choose your creative genius and greatest potential...instead of hiding in the shadows and blocking your heart-centered mission.
  • Understand that there are NO wrong emotions and learn HOW TO decode your feelings as powerful messages from your soul that are trying to wake you up to your innate value and worth.
  • Shine a light on why you are keeping yourself small and blocking your hearts desire whilst hiding in the shadows
  • Connect with your supernatural abilities and begin to understand how to express them with passion, clarity and confidence as you put your stake in the ground and declare your place in the world.

An apprenticeship is designed to teach you the skills required to master a chosen path. 

Every life challenge is a soul assignment on the path to mastering your life. 

The thing is, you weren’t taught how to translate the uncomfortable experiences as your greatest opportunity for growth.  And so, you get to "resit the exam" again, and again....and, again. 

Feelings of being stuck, in pain and experiencing incredible amounts of frustration are the consequence that appear to validate your powerless & have no control over your life..

Sound familiar? 

During our one day together,  you'll learn how to recreate your relationship to fear, pain and frustration as powerful activators of your greatest potential.

The 5 phase transformational process is a step by step system that shows you how to access your innate wisdom and FINALLY crack the freedom code to spend your precious life currency on consciously enriching…

  • Quality relationships
  • Joyous Experiences
  • Conscious Wealth
  • Physical and Mental Well Being
  • Embodying LIFE 

When you say YES to experiencing The Soul Apprenticeship One Day Immersion you will tap into a powerful blueprint within you that holds all the answers, guidance and unlimited energy you need to live the life you love. 

Now is your time to align, rise and SHINE.  

Click the YES I'M IN button below, book your seat and let's do this together...

Event Valued at $997 $57

plus receive a FREE bonus Video Training
"Follow Your Calling" valued at $497

Event Valued at $997 $57

plus receive a FREE bonus Video Training
"Follow Your Calling" valued at $497

Do you ever wonder which "voice" you should listen to in your own head?

No, you’re not crazy.

I know you've come such a long way in your personal growth and evolution…. But, you’re still defaulting to the same old patterns and cycles that are driving you insane.

What if I told you that “losing your mind” is actually your gateway to freedom?

Because here’s the thing: When you came into this world, you were given every other manual except the one on how to be mentally, emotionally, physically & financially free.

Therefore it’s no surprise that surveys find that 97% of people feel chronically exhausted and tired on a daily basis.

While your physical body is a powerhouse that has access to an infinite source supply of renewable energy… It becomes impossible to access this source when you’re disconnected from the grid of your soul.  

But what is the cost of remaining unplugged, unclear and disconnected from who you are?  

My guess is, since you’re here on this page, that it’s a price you’re simply no longer willing to pay.

So here’s the truth:

Just like nature - You were designed to THRIVE.

There is a powerful blueprint within you that holds all the answers, guidance and unlimited energy you need to live a life you love.   

This is exactly what you’ll awaken up to, when you say yes and join us for the Soul Apprenticeship LIVE event.

What others have experienced...

I have recently attended Michelle Cannan’s Soul Apprenticeship Workshop.  Anyone that finds themselves at her doorstep will be introduced to a brave new world.

Michelle genuinely supports each individual to explore and discover the tools one already has within to alter their perspective regarding how to ‘be in the driver’s seat’ of one’s destiny and manifest a quality loving life.  With her compassion and knowledge, she ‘unpacks’ the work for reinterpreting one’s approach to blocks, fears and limitations.

Her work is courageous and heartfelt.  The guidance she offers is a way “in and out “ of patterns that maintain the ‘freeze’ with the opportunity to create a solid path towards a more fulfilling future.

Bernadette Ryan 

 I attend a one-day work shop that Michelle holds on a regular basis.

I arrived not knowing what to expect. Here I am with an open mind and heart getting myself psyched up and ready for change. The energy in the room from Michelle, and the guests, was truly inspiring. I learnt so much about my life journey, past to present.

See, I always wondered why I am like I am, if that makes sense. Attending this course revealed who I am, my soul value. It has identified my true purpose in this world. That is to become a life coach.

I highly suggest to anyone who is wanting some change in their lives. To attend The Soul Apprenticeship Workshop, it’s truly worth the investment.

Luke Amery 

The Soul Apprenticeship is a beautiful space to understand & observe the struggles and cycles you put yourself through.

It was a life changing day for me personally. I walked out feeling insanely ALIVE and excited for the transformation experience I was going to embark on with Mish. I will be forever grateful for that day. It was a massive turning point in my journey.

Danika Jane 

I have had a wonderful week filled with acceptance and clarity post the Soul Apprenticeship. My heart was centered and I was in a place of oneness with all my decision making.  I also love who I am and my circle of influence.   It has been a really bizarre week of change, acceptance & clarity.  Thank you for your workshop.

Oliver Kaese 

This woman I love. If you have never experienced Michelle Cannan you are missing something quite special. After years of combining practices in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) modalities in neuro sciences plus a whole life of valuable experiences, Mish has created a really inspirational process to help people breakthrough, own and sustain their soul’s purpose. I am gladly on her program and seeing some really nice shifts within myself. I urge anyone who might be struggling still within themselves to look her up. It’s so clear when you get it. GO! Thanks Mish

Debra Robertson 

Since the Soul Apprenticeship one day event, my world has improved 100%. I’m thinking a lot clearer, new opportunities have come to me & I have fallen in love with the most amazing man. Thank you, it was an experience I will never forget.

Kelly Trcek