Activate your gifts to serve, shine and expand into a new dimension of influence and wealth.

The Soul Mastery is a profound process that integrates the embodiment of your supernatural  abilities to express your souls mission with passion and confidence. 

Whether you are a visionary leader or seeking the next level of Self Mastey, it’s time to ignite your internal fire and light up your heart-centered purpose to share the unique GIFT that only YOU can contribute to the emergence of our awakening planet. 

Its time to SHINE your light!

Are you ready to…

  • Be Seen, Heard & Shine -   COMPLETELY break free from silencing, shrinking & hiding inside the safety of a world you no longer fit in by owning your gift & shining as the liberated, heart-aligned conscious self-leader you are.
  • Awaken your power –  Wholeheartedly transform ingrained habits of limitation & judgment as a rite of passage that powerfully unleashes your creative genius & highest truth. 
  • Own your misfit & manifest miracles - Shift from feeling like the ‘black sheep’ to embracing your unique perception as your innate gift & contribution to the planet.  Your difference is the difference you are here to make.  
  • BE the clarity of your message -  Align, integrate & empower feelings of being misunderstood to FULLY embodying the clarity of your self-expression and attract your tribe and/or clients like never before. 
  • Back yourself -   Liberate from the constant struggle of feeling disappointed as you witness others shine in the glory of your unexpressed vision because you didn’t back yourself.   
  • Activate your worth –  Transform any abundance shadows that are diluting your worth & value by awakening your inherent wealth through deepening your connection with source energy & your soul blueprint.
  • Embody Self-Love – Prioritize self-care, eliminate exhaustion & elevate vitality through ritualising energy management to create sustainable, fulfilling & joyous experiences.
  • Actualise your dream life - Release any residual resistants or blocks to becoming a soul aligned, fully expressed, empowered visionary who  experiences  life/work flow by design. 

As a SAccess Method graduate you are now consciously aware and ready to play an active role in the larger evolutionary global shift.

There is no other substitute for YOUR GIFT in this world. 

You hold a vital and unique key that is a crucial contribution to the emerging consciousness of our planet. 

In this 12 Week immersion you will activate, amplify & accelerate your soul mastery by learning how to...

  • Access and Activate your inherent wealth - Know your value, know your worth, BE abundant. 
  • Harness & Hold Your Frequency - Exponential growth through quantum leaps with Grace & Ease.
  •  LIVE in alignment with your deepest TRUTH - YOUnity consciousness   
  • Master the art of translating the unseen -   Empower and activate the potential held within the unknown       
  • Master your Emotional Mindset – Supercharge your superpower & become a manifesting maestro  
  • Embody the Trilogy of True Success - Health, Wealth and Happiness
  • Light up through Universal Law -   Live in harmony with life supporting principles    
  • Dive deep into the 5 Phases of the Transformational Cycle…
  • Energy management is the new time management -  Soul Values, Chakras & Elements.
  • Activate your Soul Pillars - The foundation for sustainable growth
  • The Tao – Embody the most scared union of all…..The integration of your Feminine and Masculine polarities to FEEL the power of BEing YOUnited and whole.     

What others have experienced...

" For me doing the Soul Mastery was a natural progression after having done the The SAccess Method Immersion. I was a little concerned that I didn’t have a lot of time to integrate what I had learnt in the SAccess Method before jumping into the Mastery but I was hungry for more.

Thank god I took the leap. I transformed from a woman who lacked self-love, self-belief, sabotaged her decisions and relationships and had no direction, to honouring and loving ALL of me and LIVING in the abundance of my souls mission . Mish is the master of providing clarity, love, guidance and skilfully calling out the bullshit. I am forever grateful for her guidance as I was able to activate my greatest love affair – with my self. The Soul Mastery was the best decision of my life"

Kerri Brandon

" I’m most definitely not one to over-exaggerate, however I can say without a shadow of a doubt that (put briefly) there was my life before Mish, and in particular the Soul Mastery course, and there is my life after.

In terms of personal & professional development progress the best way to describe this would be to say; all my very considerable efforts over the past 35+ years felt like I had made very small shifts. In just three short months I have literally taken a Quantum Leap. Mental and emotional blocks I knew of (and ones I had no idea existed ) have been blitzed to smithereens and I am now actualizing my dreams and enjoying life.

The course is very well structured and Mish provides such excellent support, wisdom and encouragement. I now have the tools to continue to make further progress and a group of new friends to enjoy the journey with. It’s the best ‘financial’ investment I’ve made in decades!"

Suzy Scullin

What’s included in your Soul Mastery 12 Week Immersion …

  • 8 x One on One Sessions with Michelle  
  • 6 x Group Q & A Zoom Calls
  • Facebook Mastermind Group & Support
  • Lifetime Access to 12 Weekly Video Tutorials, Worksheet & MP3 Audio Activations 

There are only 10 places available to ensure quality is the primary objective for the highest good of all.

Start Date -  29th July 2024

Duration - 12 Weeks

In loving support, always 

Mish x