The S.T.P is a 10 step signature technique that brings a fresh and dynamic understanding on how to unlock negative recurring human behaviors (and life cycles) to access untapped potential to activate inner freedom and actualise the hearts desire.
You Will Master …
Re-Perceiving Method - Translating the unconscious lens of perception to reveal core unseen blocks and limitation that keep the unwanted recurring cycles playing out.
Pattern Matching – Identifying how the subconscious mind unconsciously 'pattern matches' to create a false reality, triggering reactive behaviors and thoughts.
The Translation of Negative Emotions - There are NO wrong emotions . Learn HOW TO decode negative feelings and emotions as powerful messages that are designed to awaken, activate and actualize your potential
Soul Contract Retrieval – Completion of generational trauma cycles and patterns to reclaim and embody inherent life gifts.
Life and Energy Coaching – Develop your intuitive intelligence & life coaching skills to guide your clients with certainty
Mental Health Polarity Integration - YOunify two conflicting beliefs to transform anxiety, overwhlem, fear and pain for your client to experience innner freedom and peace.
The 10 Steps of the STP Process - An end to end process that moves your client from unconscious patterns and behaviors to consciously feeling IN control of their life
The STP Process Extended & Accelerator Training Includes…