Being told to “think positive” and “shift my mindset” spiraled me deeper into the abyss of “thinking”…
“What’s wrong with me?”
The more I tried, the louder the voices in my head would get. The gut gripping fist of despair would wrench at my stomach and my heart would sink into oceans of confusion.
The frustration I experienced would build to a place of overwhelm that had me believe I only had one choice, and that was to withdraw from my mission and seek familiar ground.
Yet, there was “another” voice that kept knocking at my door asking to be let in.
Yup, at times I felt like I had a multiple personality disorder.
The polarization I was experiencing was calling for integration.
Wholeness. Ironic? indeed.
Here’s the scoop…
Your MIND is the wholeness of your entire body. EVERY sensation, EVERY thought, EVERY emotion.
Yes, you have a brain…they’re two very different things
The brain is one component of the whole. Our “thinking” mind only runs 10 % of the show.
Trying to think your way through shifting your mindset can feel like your banging your head up against a brick wall…right?!!
There is 90 % of the picture waiting to be shown to you. The pixels that make up the image of your life are your emotions in their unconscious or conscious form.
There is NOTHING wrong with you!
There is NOTHING missing!
YOU are not broken!
You simply haven’t been taught how to listen to, translate and integrate.the two sides that make up the whole of YOU.
It’s time to learn how to create the masterpiece of your life.