by Michelle Cannan

It’s time for an Emotional Revolution

July 18, 2018 | Blog, Uncategorized

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  • It’s time for an Emotional Revolution

A few weeks ago I was at an event where Tony Robbins asked a room of 5,000 people…

“Who knows of someone who is depressed, taking anti-depressants and is still experiencing depression?”

95 % of the room raised their hands.

How can this be when we live in a time where we have more available to us than ever before?

My answer…


Daily, I receive calls from people who are experiencing varying degrees of depression, anxiety and confusion.

Bottom line, they’re feeling powerless and stuck.

We are over-stimulated and under-integrated. The external world has become the cause that effects our internal environment.

The ancients had a practice they called “The prayer of feeling”

They knew the power of feeling to heal.

Physical and mental disharmony is misinterpreted.

When discord amplifies, ironically, we are the closest to transformation.

The dissonance is asking us to recognize and reclaim our true power through the connection and expression of our sensory experience.

From this place, the internal environment then becomes the cause to the effect that impacts the world around you.

Your conditioning is conditioning you for growth.

Aligning the gap between default and desire requires a perception shift. When we understand the soul value of EVERY experience… duality, contrast, the law of opposites becomes a whole and complete life practice.

We are experiencing an acceleration. What has been suppressed is being shaken up, to come up.

What appears to be a pandemic of depression is actually an opportunity for an emotional revolution.

A time of remembering, reclaiming and reuniting with our true power.

Our emotions are messengers of truth, the mastery is knowing how to translate their language.

If the ancients could move weather patterns through the prayer of feeling in times of drought…their contemporary counterparts can move a collective paradigm into an awakening through emotional empowerment.

About the author, Michelle Cannan


Gifted with insightful wisdom from a young age, along with the ability to read human behavior, Michelle Cannan has the innate gift to heal and transform the unconscious. Combining this gift with other modalities including Traditional Chinese Medicine, energy work & EFT Michelle has developed the 5 step process known as "The Soul Apprenticeship"

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